Checkout 51 App! Save money on items you buy even if you use a coupon!!

Checkout 51 App

Have you all tried the Checkout 51 App to help us save money!! 

AND, this one you do NOT need to have a smart phone, you can upload your receipt via the computer or phone!

I have been using this app for about 9 months now, and it is really easy to use!!

I know by now you all have heard of, and probably use Ibotta. However there is a new similar App out now called Checkout 51! However, with this app you do not need to scan the bar code of the item, just download the app (or use the computer) take a picture of your receipt, check off the items that you have purchased......that's it!!

Checkout51 App Program

With this program, the offers run from Thursday to Wednesday, and when you have $20.00 in your account you will be mailed a check. It is an easy program, you just take a picture of your receipt, check the items that you have purchased and upload the receipt.

It is Really that easy!! Just another way to help us save a little money each week. This looks like a good one, and I am excited to use it!
If your not using Ibotta {if you use this link, you will get $10 for signing up}, you should sign up for it too.

You can use both programs, even if you buy the same items. For example, if  milk is on Checkout51 and Ibotta, you can submit for the milk on both the programs. Every little bit helps when it comes to saving money!!


  1. I have never heard of this app. Thanks for sharing it, I'll need to check it out.

    1. Louida, You are welcome! Anywhere we can save a little money is helpful in my book!
      Sissy :)

  2. Just stopped by to say Hi! :-D

    1. Glad to meet you Motoristin Mutsi! Thanks for stopping by!
      Sissy :)
